In my ongoing (and sometimes futile) quest to avoid using Amazon, I try to buy from independent sources. Although this isn't terribly obvious with some sites, for example when you go to Book Depository or AbeBooks and think they are independent but then you discover that nope, they are owned by Amazon.
I really wish Amazon would sod off and stop buying up everything they can.
Anyway, I have started buying from Coles Books. They aren't really a replacement for Amazon books (online at least, I've never been in the shop), but are a neat place to get hold of signed books. And more importantly, they appear to be independent and not shackled to Amazon.
Oh yes, and when I subscribed to their newsletter, I had the choice to get it in plain text. Something I very much appreciate as I have remote images disabled which most newsletters are totally useless to me.
Unfortunately I’ll still have to keep using AbeBooks as it is a good way of getting hold of more obscure tomes, at least the ones I can't find on eBay. But I will keep looking for alternatives!
This post was first published Tuesday 6th of October 2020 and was last modified Tuesday 6th of October 2020 at 17:38:42.
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